ONLINE: Watercolour Dynamics, Inter-adv; Thurs, 1 - 3:30 pm


Here's the chance to explore Watercolour dynamics in depth through various exciting themes! 
The course will cover a range of subjects in different approaches of watercolour painting. The subjects are going to be chosen each week keeping student requirements in mind.
Along with watercolours, some tools like inks, pens, markers, pastels, gouache etc. will be used to create the character, mood of the place and interesting textural effects. Both – traditional and experimental styles of watercolour handling will be explored.
Paintings will be done mostly from photographs, which will be provided by email along with drawing and info on technique to be used, a day prior to the online class. Step by step demonstration and individual guidance will be provided. Video recordings will be sent after each class.

*Previous drawing and watercolour painting experience is must.

Dhanashri Bapat
Thursday from 13:00 - 15:30
Adult General Interest / Intérêt général adulte
Painting / Peinture
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