Gelli printing is great for mixed media, and backgrounds, to add texture, and can be embellished, cut, sewn, layered, collaged, stamped, and printed on a variety of substrates. Explore its potential on paper and fabrics using acrylics, other mediums, found objects, and mark-making tools.
This 1-day workshop is great for beginners or to get reacquainted with your gel plate!
Some materials included.
Did you pay for your annual Membership Fee? Pick up your OSA Membership card at the Reception Office at the Ottawa School of Art (Orleans Campus or Downtown Campus). The card entitles you to 10% off art supplies at Wallack's and DeSerres (St. Laurent location), but you must present your card!
Avez-vous payé les frais annuels pour votre adhésion à l'École d'art d'Ottawa? Obtenez votre carte d'adhésion à la réception de l'École d'art d'Ottawa (campus d'Orléans ou campus du Centre-ville). Cette carte vous donnera droit à un rabais de 10 % sur les matériaux d'arts achetés chez Wallack's et DeSerres (magasin du Centre St-Laurent), mais vous devez présenter votre carte!